At Kimmel Farm Problem-Based Elementary School the THIRD graders live and learn upstairs. This blog will feature tales from their days in the classroom, on the playground and during special events just for them!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The First Week

The first week - a little get to know you...

The first few days of school we spent some time getting to know each other, discussing what we need to be good learners and we worked on team building.

In groups the students discussed what adjectives describe the 'model' student - and then they drew what the person might look like.

Uncooked spaghetti and marsh-mellows?!?! The only directions were to work together and build the highest tower possible. Some groups got right to work, some tried to get a game plan and others decided to divide and conquer. What they all found out it was that is was not as easy and they thought and listening to everyone's ideas made their team stronger!

During the first week teachers always go over rules and routines and like every other year I did that but sometimes it is necessary to make sure that your students fully understand. I present to you: Rules, Consequences and 7-up sentences!

They chose how many M&M's they took BUT then they had to write one 7-up sentence for each M&M BUT then they got to eat them. This opened up so many great conversations. We talked about the negative is maybe having to write 30 sentences but the positive was that they were able to eat 30 M&M's verses their neighbor who only took 12 M&M's. It was really interesting for them to think through real world applications! At the same time we worked on good, detailed sentences - every sentence had to have 7 or more words. Ex. I am the quarterback for the Forsyth Broncos Football team. - instead of - I play football. It was a lot of fun and at the end of the week most of the students said it was their favorite activity from that week!!


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